Anyes Jansen ~ Creating Miracles ~


About Anyes Jansen...

ANYES was born in the Netherlands. At the age of 11 she was seriously injured in a horse riding accident. This event forever changed her life. While at the hospital, near death, she had an out-of-body experience. During this time, a brilliant white light embraced her in an intense loving presence. In this altered state, she became acutely aware that her intuition was much sharper.

Following a miraculous recovery, she realized her life would never be the same. At times it was overwhelming. Feeling isolated from most of her family and peers, she was fortunate to have a father that understood her profound experience.

When Anyes was 20, she immigrated to the United States. There she practiced Transcendental Meditation as well as other esoteric modalities such as Psycho-Cybernetics and the power of the Subconscious Mind, the Ancient Eastern Traditions of Sufism, and the hands-on healing practices at the Foundation of Life in Ithaca, NY.

In 1988, a Physicist friend, Ian, became seriously ill. Diagnosed with Leukemia and suffering from multiple infections, he lapsed into a coma. The medical staff offered no hope. It was then that Anyes began to do her energy work on her friend.

She focused the fullness of her energy on him continuously for a period of six weeks while he was in Intensive Care, projecting that every molecule and atom in his body be repaired to absolute wholeness and perfect health.

Anyes knew that every thought projected creates a new reality, and that cells can be programmed by thoughts. With this knowledge, she set out to produce a tape that could be played to Ian for hours every day when she herself was not present. The tape-recorder was set on automatic rewind.

Today Ian enjoys a healthy and vibrant life. Doctors remain perplexed with his case, stating “our only explanation is that a miracle happened here”.

A year later Anyes had a second brilliant white light experience in which a voice repeatedly told her to “go to Santa Fe”. Some seven years later, life would facilitate this move.

Anyes’s healing arts work continued to be refined when she decided to compliment it by pursuing additional education from the Hypnotherapy Academy of America, obtaining her license as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.

She has since expounded on her experience with Ian by using the same principles and supporting beliefs that informed the tape she made for him two decades prior, by making a series of CDs that address the various challenges of life. Through the meditative power of repetitive thought and focus, Anyes helps to facilitate the healing process for many people who live with these challenges.

In addition, she works privately with individuals worldwide, to create personal CDs that address issues very specific to their lives.